Monday, July 19, 2010

On the Awakening at Western Civilization's Sunset

In the present day, individuals live between ways of life. In our temporal age of constant flux, existence can be dizzying. As things change, most exercise the powers of hope so as to cope, and, in the process, lose their will to act, for hope is a passive occupation. But, as many people these days are commenting on, many have chosen not to settle for a pair of fingers merely crossed for a better tomorrow. While most countries lose their sovereignty to interdependence through globalization of the current international system-- the process of which empowers a very real uberclass that lives above and beyond common law and traditions--many populations have begun to more fervently identify with their native countries, and even their local communities.

These “stirring” individuals have had enough of the long Anglo-American treadmill of exploitation and domination. They wish to restore Basic Freedoms given to them by Nature or God. In this essay, we’ll focus on the US-based part of the overall Global Awakening dubbed by US foreign policy hawk, Zbigniew Brzezsinki, the “global political awakening.” Although the ideas corresponding to the Peace and Patriot Movement--participants of which henceforth referred to as Peace Patriots-- are revolutionary in scope, many do not wish for the typical sort of Revolution. In other words, their work is not designed to replace one Regime with Another.

On the contrary, a radical revision of the role of Institutions--Institutions which, in the eyes of a near-majority of those who associate themselves either with the Peace Movement or the Patriot Movement are the obsolete, but everpresent machinery of a deep power structure designed to steer society--should work towards fostering conditions of freedom in all nations.

This would entail knowing the true leaders of the Corporations, Foundations (as the joke goes, especially those with “free” or “private” in their literature), Steering Committees and Governments which make economic and social society, instead of focusing on Presidents and Prime Ministers, who are once removed from the true policy makers in Government and Corporate Directorships; that is, those who truly make the decisions about what to promote in the mainstream.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, as the Business Plans of contemporary Corporations called for the expansion of markets into foreign countries, this power structure became globalized. And today, unlike in any other time period, the reach of the elite (elites have always existed, and, as Aldous Huxley assumes, always will) extends across the entire planet. To see this, one need only look at the transnational dealings of market maker Goldman Sachs or the transnational eco-terrorism of British Petroleum (in the Gulf), the War Racketeer, Shell (in Iraq), other Big Oil players, BigPharma, the chemical industry and so on. The gross sum = Eisenhower’s Military-Industrial Complex.

Some of the big-picture-economic philosophies (“big picture” meaning the large brushstroke, an overview of the present age, and not its opposite, the countless micro-policies giving rise to the big picture, the way thing are at any given time) of the Peace Patriots, regarding how to fairly remake society, are typically associated with the right-wing of the political spectrum. As an aside, this right-to-left-wing political spectrum doesn’t hold in water, if not for it’s over-simplicity, for the apolitical nature of many people, who do not see themselves primarily as the citizens of political organizations.

Those aforementioned “right-wing” ideas stem from the work of Adam Smith who wrote in detail of Free Markets and Capitalism, which he saw as coming to fruition in conditions of “perfect freedom” and given to “natural liberty.” By way of “free associations,” individuals could enter into the marketplace, sell their labor, and acquire the goods they needed and wanted, with little or no third-party interference. Theoretically, ubiquitous competition would team-up with its partner cooperation to set fair prices and weed out poor quality. Many of these people most readily identify themselves as libertarians.

It is not, however, only libertarians who give attitude to the American-Global Awakening to the elitist colorization of power structures, but also many people who, had they not awoken and unsubscribed to what some have termed the “false right-left wing paradigm”, would consider themselves liberals or democrats, not Republicans, the close cousin of libertarianism. These individuals collectively give the Peace Patriots its progressive tones.

The Progressives among the Peace Patriots value a responsible environmentalism, and scoff at the political-environmentalist rhetoric highlighting as our gravest threat “Global Warming” and “Overpopulation.” They might instead choose to bring up legal charges against the world’s largest polluter--the United States Department of Defense and Pentagon--on the road to abolishing these war making machines altogether. As Major General Smedley Butler, the most decorated marine in US history, wrote: War is a Racket. War benefits those psychopathic individuals and Corporations with the resources enough to make wars.

Another element of this section of the Peace Patriots is a progressive economic policy, whereby public representatives invest for the country based on fair formulas and an altruism that is first rewarded, and then adopted in the culture of the elected leaders. Progressive-Libertarianism in economics would promote the values of entrepreneurship through free associations, the new organizations and Institutions arisen therefrom, and a framework designed to give Representatives the privilege to be a conduit for beneficial collective endeavors.

The Peace Patriots represent an unprecedented progressive-libertarian political movement. Not only is the movement globalized yet diverse, but, also, its main-progenitors are scholastically informed activists, who, in an important demonstration of nuance, are wholly uninterested in the Presidents, Prime Ministers and Political Parties historically used to distract such movement’s away from those whom truly guide their lives.

This movement is very much skeptical of revolutions and the solutions handed-down from mass media and in spectacular speeches.

The history of Revolutions is not one of populist--that is, for the people-- victories, but, rather, social cataclysms that oft led to the splintering, decay and eventual elitist-driven remaking of cultures. As these societies came closer to Revolution, what is today termed “partisanship” increasingly ruled. This is precisely what we see transpiring today.

In France, at the end of the eighteenth century, that Revolution gave rise to the Reign of Terror and the attempted consolidation of Europe, and beyond, in the form of the Napoleonic Wars; In Russia in 1917, Revolution gave rise to Leninist and Stalinist Gulags and Great Purges, and a highly stratified socialist System in which psychological domination by education and the manipulation of the command-and-control economy greased the wheels; the National Socialist Revolution of 1933 Germany gave rise also to dictatorship and genocide.

Instead of Revolution, Peace Patriots champion a global spiritual and psychological Awakening, which is posited to then propel humanity to a next stage of maturity. The “unwashed masses” will then understand, and choose to deal with, the techniques of domination designed to coerce and control their lives and species: for instance, psychological terrorism in the form of toxic stimuli (the sounds and images of propaganda and public relations), contrived crises (false flag), crises generally, fear-mongering, economic scarcity, the alteration of human biochemistry by the introduction of toxic chemicals into the environment (through food, inoculation, and aerial spraying), and other forms of new eugenics.

The Awakening will function to undermine the usefulness of such techniques.

What does an awakening at civilization’s sunset entail?

The term “global political awakening” can be attributed to Zbigniew Brzezinski. He has referred to the phenomenon as “a truly transformative event on the global scene.” He goes on:

“For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. There are only a few pockets of humanity left in the remotest corners of the world that are not politically alert and engaged with the political turmoil and stirrings that are so widespread today around the world. The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or imperial domination.”

Brzezinski sees the Global Awakening as among the most dramatic and significant phenomenon in geopolitics that has ever taken place, and it “is apparent in radically different forms from Iraq to Indonesia, from Bolivia to Tibet.” Brzezinski asserts, “the worldwide yearning for human dignity is the central challenge inherent in the phenomenon of global political awakening.” He writes further:

“America needs to face squarely a centrally important new global reality: that the world's population is experiencing a political awakening unprecedented in scope and intensity, with the result that the politics of populism are transforming the politics of power. The need to respond to that massive phenomenon poses to the uniquely sovereign America an historic dilemma: What should be the central definition of America's global role?”

In his book, “Out of Control,” Brzezinski defines two issues of “major importance”: how to define concepts freedom and the good life. He argues, “the first pertains to the meaning of citizenship and the second to the essence of the human being.” In the same book, he discusses the conflation of morality and law. That, increasingly, what is legal is considered moral, and that which is illegal, is considered immoral, not the other way around. So, therefore, by making new law, one can make new morality.

In the book, Brzezinski outlines the way in which corporate-dominated mass media gives to the child his view of the world. He pens:

“On the whole, the values conveyed by the media repeatedly manifest what justifiably might be called moral corruption and cultural decadence.

“Today, for much of the world--and especially for the young-- television is the most important instrument both for socialization and education. In that respect, it is rapidly replacing the roles traditionally played by the family, by the church, by the school.

“Television gives the young viewer a first glimpse of the outside world. It first defines--and does so compellingly, by combining the visual and the audio impact--the meaning of the good life...It conditions desires, defines aspirations and unacceptable behavior.”

Brzezinski continues by enunciating the “staggering” facts on televisions effects on behavior. How so many people spend so much time glued to their television sets. As far as the so-called “programming” televisions offers, the “programs” “clearly extol self-gratification...normalize violence and brutality, encourage sexual promiscuity through example and stimulated peer pressures...the result is loss of control over social behavior.”

As Bertrand Russell, the British philosopher, historian, mathematician, and social critic wrote in his book, “The Impact of Science on Society,” the importance of mass psychology “has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called “education.”

A nagging question, which has gone under-emphasized by most analysts of the Global Awakening, is what exactly Brzezinski means with his term?

Could it be that he truly means that, because the mass media extends to almost every corner of the globe, the ability to plug people into the grids of power has worked to be a coup over people’s minds? Is his language consciously doublespeak intended to confuse Peace Patriots and their colleagues the world-over into thinking they can take it easy? Or, more optimistically and, I think, more likely, as the present continues to shape a future System more desperate and hopeless than the current one, are larger numbers of people becoming inclined towards, or welcoming of, Populist Activism?

For each action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. Let’s now take a walk in our minds on one of Einstein’s thought dreams. Imagine the development of an immense power, abused and expanded upon. A tyrant leading an exhaust-less War of Terror aimed to so change the environment of a people, that they themselves are also changed in the process. Imagine the remaking of societies and purges by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, but not just within their imaginary-line borders; instead, by way of a Global State, a World Regime--if you will. Imagine the power such a Global Institution causes. According to Newton’s laws of motion, there is to this series of tyrannical Actions myriad opposite Reactions.

What one observes in the reading of history is that, often as power centralization quickens, decentralizing tendencies arise and contradict that primary trend, thereby at least slowing it. Andrew Gavin Marshall elaborates on the primary way in which Technological Globalization has changed the world:

“The Technological Revolution has led to a diametrically opposed, antagonistic, and conflicting geopolitical reality: never before has humanity been so awakened to issues of power, exploitation, imperialism and domination; and simultaneously, never before have elites been so transnational and global in orientation, and with the ability to impose such a truly global system of scientific despotism and political oppression. These are the two major geopolitical realities of the world today. Never in all of human history has mankind been so capable of achieving a true global political psycho-social awakening; nor has humanity ever been in such danger of being subjected to a truly global scientific totalitarianism, potentially more oppressive than any system known before, and without a doubt more technologically capable of imposing a permanent despotism upon humanity. So we are filled with hope, but driven by urgency. In all of human history, never has the potential nor the repercussions of human actions and ideas ever been so monumental.”

Generating these countering trends is a sort of information war, ongoing. Although it might sound cliche, the impact of today on history is unimaginable. The volume of the vector that jet-propels modern man’s exchange of symbols and language on is greater than all those ages we consider the turning points of our Civilization: greater than European fascism and World War II; greater than the American and French Revolutions; greater than the Renaissance; the Black Plague, and on and on down the ages.

The exchange of symbols and language is not repeating history, or even rhyming with history--as Twain would have it--but truly making it. As high technology and communications have divorced the present from bygone ages, the associated quickening in society’s primary events, also known as “progress”, have enlarged the impact of decisions and actions by individuals like never before.

Moreover, we live today in the digital age, like flies through a digital matrix of widow webs. Although many futurists envisaged, and still do, the nature of a technetronic society as non-intimate, and likely to usher in a near-totally atomized public of robot zombies, the truth of the situation points towards a near-opposite reality.

Issues such as those brought up by the 9/11 Truth Movement have become mainstream political issues, according to Time Magazine. As the incrementally creeping Abuse of Power protects, first and foremost, the “witting” Uberclass, as well as the armies of opulent and psychopathic cronies, the Global Awakening reacts and intensifies.

Make no mistake that, by any historical standards, the fast flux of man’s modern society is, in religious terms, truly a transfiguration. Websters defines “to transfigure” like this: “to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance to.” To Christians, one keystone example of this is Jesus’ appearance upon the mountain. Matt. 17: 1-9

Now, how do You live and pray while wide-awake at Civilization’s Sunset?

Please see: Andrew Gavin Marshall. The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order, published by Global Research:

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